
Chair, GoH Liaison, Computers: Mike Whitaker

Mike was chair of the first UK Filk Con, way back in Time Immoral when he wasn’t grey-haired. Successive concoms (this is his… um… counts on fingers… ninth not including a couple of MillCons), as well as running the convention IT since 2002, have contributed to the latter, and yet he still comes back for more (his wife Anne, conversely, has More Sense). That and he likes building websites, honest.

Programming: Rika Körte

Despite having moved back to Germany after a long stint in the UK, Rika is still the official house-elf at the Mill House and a veteran (in the best possible way) of programming at several Filk Cons. She could never be considered Immoral, but is a dab hand at guitar, voice and percussion with a repertoire of songs in multiple languages.

Treasurer: Colin Tuckley

Colin’s name is on the Filk Con bank account. This has proved extremely useful for financial continuity, since the process of adding and removing extra signatories to/from the con account is about the second hardest thing after finding a hotel. He’s also been around since Time Immoral, has been on nearly as many concoms as Mike, and still hasn’t absconded to the Bahamas.

Hotel Liaison: Pete Tyers

Pete, bless him, found us a hotel. Despite being a pretty-much permanent figure at UK Filk Cons since the aforementioned Time Immoral, he’s never been mugged onto a committee before, but the fact that he lives 20 mins from the Wensum Valley and actually did most of the talking to the venue left us with no choice but to co-opt him. Usually to be found nursing a pint of whatever decent real ale the con has in.

Publications, Accessibility: Alistair Crook

1/3 of the infamous Crooklets, Alistair has been coming to cons since… not quite Time Immoral, but certainly Time Less Than Proper. He’s famous for the phrase “Cup… Of… Tea…”, and coming up (along with the rest of his family) with more quirkily funny filks than you would believe. Alistair is in charge of Publications and making sure that we toe the line as regards accessibility provisions at the venue.